
Ethnic tension over the next union secretary continues to build; Sobotka still plans to run contrary to a long-standing gentlemen's agreement. Ziggy steals several cars from the docks and fences them to George "Double G" Glekas. When Glekas double-crosses Ziggy by halving his original cut Ziggy flies into a rage and shoots Glekas and another young Greek helper boy. He breaks down emotionally right outside the warehouse and is arrested. Nick is the first to learn of his cousin's arrest and after facing the wrath of his uncle, drowns his sorrows in a local park. The detail uses satellite technology to its advantage but meets a setback as Valchek turns over control of the investigation to the FBI. Bodie is pleased with the new supply of drugs, but unhappy that Proposition Joe's nephew Cheese is on his turf. Cheese is wounded by Brother Mouzone, further complicating relations between Stringer and Proposition Joe.

Pop Culture Connections - Outgoing

Other Connections and Related Pop Culture

The Wire Season 2

# Title Air Date
The Wire
2:1 Ebb Tide Jun 1, 2003
2:2 Collateral Damage Jun 8, 2003
2:3 Hot Shots Jun 15, 2003
2:4 Hard Cases Jun 22, 2003
2:5 Undertow Jun 29, 2003
2:6 All Prologue Jul 6, 2003
2:7 Backwash Jul 13, 2003
2:8 Duck and Cover Jul 27, 2003
2:9 Stray Rounds Aug 3, 2003
2:10 Storm Warnings Aug 10, 2003
2:11 Bad Dreams Aug 17, 2003
2:12 Port in a Storm Aug 24, 2003


Walker, Texas Ranger:
Season:  1  / Episode:  5 
Storm Warning

Storm Warning
performed by Hunter Hayes
