Mike's landing capsule finally releases its parachute and falls through a weathered ocean liner, sinking it, but Mike manages to escape on an aquatic tricycle with his worm. After days of wandering the sea, he runs across a yacht, where he meets an eccentric old man named Pat Brown. Pat threatens to kill Mike with a harpoon, thinking that anyone who comes on his boat may be carrying the virus that caused humanity's apocalypse, but Mike narrowly defends himself by explaining that he had just come from space. When the two bond over drinks, Mike hopes to go to dry land. Pat agrees on the condition that they return to sea soon afterwards. The two don hazardous materials suits and go to Miami, Florida, where Pat takes Mike to see a parking lot filled with body bags. They also play some tennis since Pat used to be a tennis champion. Later, Mike sees one of his brother's "Alive in Tucson" billboards and is inspired to go to Tucson against the wishes of Pat, who knocks him unconscious and believes the billboard is part of a government conspiracy. When Mike regains consciousness, he dodges being shot and killed by Pat, who again knocks him unconscious and notices a tear in his suit. Thinking he has just exposed the astronaut to the virus, Pat puts him in a body bag and leaves on his boat. Mike soon wakes up again, emerges from the bag, takes off his suit, and starts driving an ambulance to Tucson. Pat is last seen at sea, asking Mike's worm if it likes tennis.