Phil drives a DeLorean to his childhood home in Tucson. He finds Mike lying in bed, seemingly dead, but he then wakes up, pranking Phil. After ruining Phil's experiment to find out if a bottled-up fart still smells after 30 years, cutting the remaining half of Phil's hair and beard, and visiting their parents' graves, Mike, whose condition is apparently worsening, asks in his "dying wish" for Phil to leave. As a parting gift, Mike gives Phil a new bottled fart labeled February 11, 2024. In return, Phil gives Mike all of his sports ball "buddies." In Malibu, the drone Gail saw returns, and the whole group finally sees it. When it passes by a second time, the survivors hold up signs of welcome and peace, but Melissa, sensing a threat, shoots it down with a shotgun. That night, Melissa is awakened by what she thinks is an intruder and almost accidentally shoots at Carol, so she is sent to the pillory. Soon after, Gail spots Pat Brown's yacht. When Phil looks through some binoculars, he sees Pat and two other survivors approaching in an inflatable dinghy, all carrying assault rifles and dressed in decontamination suits.