- Dates: December 2011 - April 2012
- Type: Television Commercial
This commercial begins in late 1700's and shows a scared woman peering out a window at night, and people running from the streets looking for cover. John Jameson is one of the men to take cover inside. He hears that the legendary giant Hawk of Achill has stolen a barrel of his Irish Whiskey, so he goes outside to investigate and finds a feather larger than him on the ground next to his barrels. The narrator tells us that Jameson was generous, and we see another barrel of whiskey rolled out the door for the hawk. The hawk swoops in and picks up the barrel and drops it off in its giant nest. John Jameson pops out of the barrel after the hawk flies away and discovers a nest full of things stolen from the townspeople. He also finds the beautiful mason's daughter hinting at a love story. Just then the bird returns with its sharp talons ready to kill them both, but the screen goes black, and when the light returns we see Jameson standing on a table with the largest cooked bird ever made (prepared like a Thanksgiving turkey). This commercial has created a bit of controversy because of John Jameson's past. History tells us that while on a visit to the Congo (Africa), Jameson purchased a slave girl solely to give her to a tribe of cannibals so that he could watch and sketch the scene as they cooked and ate the young girl. To most people, the Hawk of Achill was just a legend - except for those who knew better. When it took the mason's daughter, it was tragic. When it took a barrel of John Jameson's whiskey... well that was another matter. But Jameson was generous, and the hawk greedy. Very greedy. And in the end, the pursuit of the whiskey would prove foolish... for the Hawk of Achill. Jameson Irish Whiskey Taste above all else Whisky