A flashback reveals that Laurie attempted suicide by overdose just before she joined the Guilty Remnant. In present day, Matt (still cancer ridden) and Laurie assist Nora in spying on the two scientists that interviewed her. The next day, after Nora hesitates, Laurie is able to convince her to do her job and report the group's activities. Laurie heads to Grace's ranch house, with the heavily singed copy of Matt's book, having been summoned by Michael. Kevin Sr. explains that they've asked Kevin to drown, and return to the "afterlife realm" to claim the song lyrics from Christopher Sunday to stop the impending destruction of earth. Laurie promises not to interfere in their plan for Kevin, but she sedates everyone at dinner, awaiting Kevin's return from a journey of contemplation. The two have a meaningful chat, in which Laurie reveals that she had been pregnant on the day of the Departure, but the fetus disappeared. They both admit that they hadn't wanted another child before bidding each other a fond goodbye. The morning of the anniversary, Laurie goes scuba diving, taking a call from Jill and Tommy just before going in.