
Peter assigns an attorney, Ron, to the Pied Piper venture, who accidentally lets slip that Richard's project is one of eight file compression suites that Peter invests in. This impacts Richard, who suddenly panics that he has no sense of where the company should go and what it should be doing. Meanwhile, Big Head is removed from Hooli's copycat compression software project, named Nucleus, because of his complete lack of understanding of what Richard actually did to create Pied Piper, and is not reassigned to anything, and Erlich is mistakenly appointed to the Pied Piper board of directors when Richard gets drunk.

Pop Culture Connections - Outgoing

Other Connections and Related Pop Culture

Silicon Valley Season 1

# Title Air Date
Silicon Valley
1:1 Minimum Viable Product Apr 6, 2014
1:2 The Cap Table Apr 13, 2014
1:3 Articles of Incorporation Apr 20, 2014
1:4 Fiduciary Duties Apr 27, 2014
1:5 Signaling Risk May 4, 2014
1:6 Third Party Insourcing May 11, 2014
1:7 Proof of Concept May 18, 2014
1:8 Optimal Tip-to-Tip Efficiency Jun 1, 2014
