American Dad!

American Dad!

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American Dad! follows the events of CIA agent Stan Smith and his family.

Pop Culture Connections - Incoming

It is referred to by these television episodes...

The Cleveland Show:
Season:  2  / Episode:  10 
Ain't Nothin' But Mutton Bustin

This Television Episode refers to American Dad!
Rallo has a belt buckle with a likeness of Roger, the alien, from American Dad!, which gets replaced with his prize belt buckle after winning the Mutton Bustin' competition.

The Cleveland Show:
Season:  3  / Episode:  1 

This Television Episode refers to American Dad!
When we learn that Donna doesn't have any friends, she asks us to name any friends of Francine Smith and several other TV wives.

The Cleveland Show:
Season:  2  / Episode:  2 
Cleveland Live!

This Television Episode refers to American Dad!
During the intro to this episode, the voice over talks about history firsts in television, saying "August 12 2004 Eric Hamel, a misogynistic pot head loner from Cincinatti walks into a store and buys a Family Guy DVD. History is listening. American Dad is also a show."

Family Guy:
Season:  9  / Episode:  2 
Excellence in Broadcasting

This Television Episode refers to American Dad!
Brian says that Rush Limbaugh was right, that conservative Republicanism was the answer all along, and Stan Smith (from American Dad!) says "Good for you Brian.".

Family Guy:
Season:  9  / Episode:  17 
Foreign Affairs

This Television Episode refers to American Dad!
Joe (with the full use of his legs) sings and performs the entire opening credits of American Dad!

The Simpsons:
Season:  25  / Episode:  1 

This Television Episode refers to American Dad!

Family Guy:
Season:  9  / Episode:  18 
It's a Trap!

This Television Episode refers to American Dad!
Roger, the alien character from 'American Dad!' is in this episode, playing the part of the Death Star Captain. Klaus the Goldfish also makes an appearance as Admiral Ackbar.

Family Guy:
Season:  5  / Episode:  18 
Meet the Quagmires

This Television Episode refers to American Dad!
In the closing scene of the episode Roger the alien from series creator Seth MacFarlane's second show American Dad! suddenly appears in the Griffin family home.

The Cleveland Show:
Season:  3  / Episode:  2 
The Hurricane!

This Television Episode refers to American Dad!
While watching the news report that Hurricane Flozell is headed their way, the forecast says that the hurricane will hit Quahog in 30 minutes and American Dad-land in an hour (following the order in which 'Family Guy' and 'American Dad!' are scheduled to air).

Family Guy:
Season:  13  / Episode:  1 
The Simpsons Guy

This Television Episode refers to American Dad!
Roger shows up on the space ship with the Simpson's aliens saying he knows them from summer camp.

It is referred to by these television commercials...

Dads Commercial - Twisted Promo

This Television Commercial refers to American Dad!
  • Buy Dads Commercial - Twisted Promo on Amazon
  • Buy Dads Commercial - Twisted Promo on iTunes
  • Buy Dads Commercial - Twisted Promo on GooglePlay
  • Buy Dads Commercial - Twisted Promo on Target
  • Buy Dads Commercial - Twisted Promo on Ebay

Hulu Plus Commercial

This Television Commercial refers to American Dad!
  • Buy Hulu Plus Commercial on Amazon
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  • Buy Hulu Plus Commercial on Target
  • Buy Hulu Plus Commercial on Ebay

Netflix Commercial

This Television Commercial refers to American Dad!
  • Buy Netflix Commercial on Amazon
  • Buy Netflix Commercial on iTunes
  • Buy Netflix Commercial on GooglePlay
  • Buy Netflix Commercial on Target
  • Buy Netflix Commercial on Ebay

Other Connections and Related Pop Culture


American Dad!
Season:  1 
American Dad! Season 1
part of American Dad!


American Dad!
Season:  2 
American Dad! Season 2
part of American Dad!


American Dad!
Season:  3 
American Dad! Season 3
part of American Dad!


American Dad!
Season:  4 
American Dad! Season 4
part of American Dad!


American Dad!
Season:  5 
American Dad! Season 5
part of American Dad!


American Dad!
Season:  6 
American Dad! Season 6
part of American Dad!


American Dad!
Season:  7 
American Dad! Season 7
part of American Dad!


American Dad!
Season:  8 
American Dad! Season 8
part of American Dad!


American Dad!
Season:  9 
American Dad! Season 9
part of American Dad!


American Dad!
Season:  10 
American Dad! Season 10
part of American Dad!


American Dad!
Season:  11 
American Dad! Season 11
part of American Dad!
