
Roose Bolton returns to the Dreadfort to meet up with his bastard son Ramsay Snow and sees first hand how Theon Greyjoy has been brutalized into a subservient persona, dubbed 'Reek'. His next objective is to find and kill the remaining Stark children - Bran and Rickon, who threaten the legitimacy of his new title as well as reclaiming the territories under Ironborn occupation. Beyond the Wall, the visions of the Three-eyed Raven compel Bran and his companions to travel further northwards, despite growing hunger. At Dragonstone, Melisandre orders several people to be burned as a tribute to the Lord of Light, to the delight of Queen Selyse and the disgust of Davos and Shireen. In King's Landing, Tyrion breaks up with Shae to protect her from his family and arranges for her to be shipped off across the Narrow Sea to Pentos. Jaime begins discretely training his left-handed swordplay with the help of Bronn. Later at the Royal Wedding feast, tensions fly high between Joffrey and Tyrion. The feast is abruptly cut short when Joffrey succumbs to poisoned wine and dies. A grief-stricken Cersei accuses Tyrion of murdering the king and orders his arrest.

Pop Culture Connections - Outgoing

It shows these books...

Lives of Four Kings
written by

This Book is shown on The Lion and the Rose part of Game of Thrones Season 4
Tyrion Lannister gives a copy of this book to King Joffrey as a wedding gift.

It refers to these books...

The Seven-Pointed Star

This Book is referred to by The Lion and the Rose part of Game of Thrones Season 4
Princess Shireen Baratheon mentions to the Red Priestess Melisandre that she has read The Seven-Pointed Star. Melisandre, as a devout priestess in the religion of R'hllor, the Lord of Light, scoffs that it is filled with lies.
  • Buy The Seven-Pointed Star on Amazon
  • Buy The Seven-Pointed Star on iTunes
  • Buy The Seven-Pointed Star on GooglePlay

It plays these songs...

The Bear and the Maiden Fair
performed by Traditional

This Song is played in The Lion and the Rose part of Game of Thrones Season 4
This song is played during the wedding feast

The Rains of Castamere
performed by Traditional

This Song is played in The Lion and the Rose part of Game of Thrones Season 4
Some minstrels sing this song at the feast after the royal wedding, but King Joffrey is not impressed so he throws coins at them to make them stop.

Other Connections and Related Pop Culture

Game of Thrones Season 4

# Title Air Date
Game of Thrones
4:1 Two Swords Apr 6, 2014
4:2 The Lion and the Rose Apr 13, 2014
4:3 Breaker of Chains Apr 20, 2014
4:4 Oathkeeper Apr 27, 2014
4:5 First of His Name May 4, 2014
4:6 The Laws of Gods and Men May 11, 2014
4:7 Mockingbird May 18, 2014
4:8 The Mountain and the Viper Jun 1, 2014
4:9 The Watchers on the Wall Jun 8, 2014
4:10 The Children Jun 15, 2014
