
The agency's new owners visit Sterling Cooper to reassign Pryce to one of their India-based companies. A replacement for Pryce is introduced to the company. Ken, however, brings a riding lawnmower into the office. During a party to celebrate Joan's departure, a secretary runs over the replacement's foot, allowing Pryce to keep his job. Meanwhile, after tendering her resignation, Joan finds out that her husband has been blacklisted as a surgeon. This episode takes place in the first few days of July 1963, leading up to Independence Day.

Pop Culture Connections - Outgoing

It refers to these books...

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
written by

This Book is referred to by Guy Walks into an Advertising Agency part of Mad Men Season 3
At the hospital, Lane tells Don he's been reading some American Literature, naming the book 'Tom Sawyer'. He says he feels like he just attended his own funeral which Tom Sawyer ends up doing.

It refers to these musicals...

composed by Lionel Bart

This Musical is referred to by Guy Walks into an Advertising Agency part of Mad Men Season 3
Joan tells the new British owners of the agency, who are visiting, that she has tickets for them to see 'Oliver!' while in New York.

Pop Culture Connections - Incoming

It is referred to by these television episodes...

The Simpsons:
Season:  23  / Episode:  7 
The Man in the Blue Flannel Pants

This Television Episode refers to Guy Walks into an Advertising Agency part of Mad Men Season 3
Homer recalls his time as an Ad Man, thinking back to the time when he rode a riding lawn mower in the office and cut off an employee's foot. This is a reference to the Mad Men episode 'Guy Walks Into an Advertising Agency' when Lois, the secretary rides the lawn mower in the office, running over the foot of Pryce's soon to be replacement.

Other Connections and Related Pop Culture

Mad Men Season 3

# Title Air Date
Mad Men
3:1 Out of Town Aug 16, 2009
3:2 Love Among the Ruins Aug 23, 2009
3:3 My Old Kentucky Home Aug 30, 2009
3:4 The Arrangements Sep 6, 2009
3:5 The Fog Sep 13, 2009
3:6 Guy Walks into an Advertising Agency Sep 20, 2009
3:7 Seven Twenty Three Sep 27, 2009
3:8 Souvenir Oct 4, 2009
3:9 Wee Small Hours Oct 11, 2009
3:10 The Color Blue Oct 18, 2009
3:11 The Gypsy and the Hobo Oct 25, 2009
3:12 The Grown-Ups Nov 1, 2009
3:13 Shut the Door. Have a Seat Nov 8, 2009
