The group holds a Norse funeral for Phil by sending his coffin out to sea on a makeshift Viking vessel, which Tandy tries to burn by unsuccessfully shooting torches at it with a bow. Tandy cannot hide that he is unable to find closure after losing Phil even if they were rivals for much of the time they knew each other. He later investigates Phil's possessions and is surprised to learn that Phil did indeed have a middle name: Stacy. He also hopes to help raise Erica's baby, but she tells him that Phil's last request was to keep him away from doing so. Outraged, Tandy builds a fire to burn all of Phil's possessions. Suddenly, Phil's coffin washes up on shore, and Erica catches Tandy grieving beside it. After the two bury the coffin in the sand, Erica helps Tandy find closure. Meanwhile, Tandy reveals to Carol that Todd and Gail have been seeing each other, but he is not aware that Melissa knows, so he warns Carol against telling her. Nevertheless, Melissa attempts to win back Todd, kissing him without Gail's knowledge. When Melissa announces this to Carol, Carol confronts Todd and shames him before kissing him herself.