
The team from Pied Piper storms into the offices of End Frame to accuse them of stealing the Pied Piper algorithm. End Frame responds that since they have a finished platform and a sales team, that ultimately they will beat Pied Piper. Gavin Belson holds a board meeting to discuss the failure of the launch of their Nucleus product. He then meets with the engineers and begs them to come up with something new and radical. Russ Hanneman informs Richard and Erlich that due to bad investments he is no longer a billionaire and now Pied Piper must come up with a way to become profitable. Gilfoyle obtains the details of End Frame's service contract with Intersite, a porn company. Richard meets the CEO of Intersite at a conference and convinces her to consider Pied Piper for the contract. Big Head meets with Belson to explain some exciting new technology, but adds that it won't be available until their grandchildren's time. The episode ends with Pied Piper and End Frame being brought to Intersite offices for a "bake off" to determine who will get the contract.

Pop Culture Connections - Outgoing

Other Connections and Related Pop Culture

Silicon Valley Season 2

# Title Air Date
Silicon Valley
2:1 Sand Hill Shuffle Apr 12, 2015
2:2 Runaway Devaluation Apr 19, 2015
2:3 Bad Money Apr 26, 2015
2:4 The Lady May 3, 2015
2:5 Server Space May 10, 2015
2:6 Homicide May 17, 2015
2:7 Adult Content May 24, 2015
2:8 White Hat/Black Hat May 31, 2015
2:9 Binding Arbitration Jun 7, 2015
2:10 Two Days of the Condor Jun 14, 2015
