As Jimmy prepares to depart for Dubai, he presses Fiona for a decision. Lip is met with financial difficulties, and his family is responsible. After being released from the hospital, with a stern warning from the doctor, Frank takes control of his life. Asserting himself at the Gallagher home. Things are grim for Ian in the psyche ward, shunning Fiona and Mickey when they come for a visit. Carl and Chuckie begin a mutually beneficial arrangement at school, that bleeds into home life. Debbie knows what she wants, and she pursues it. A newly homeless Svetlana moves in with a newly separated Kev. Mickey turns to alcohol to dull his longing for Ian. After Fiona discloses her infidelity to Gus, he asks to meet Jimmy. When they meet, Gus instantly dislikes Jimmy, and he punches him in the nose. Jimmy then tells Fiona that he has called off the trip to Dubai, and that he only wants a life with her. After deliberation, Fiona tells Jimmy that he needs to let her let him go. Later, Angela apologies to Fiona for Jack/Jimmy's ways, and says that the employer was the one that canceled the job in Dubai. When their relationship reaches the boiling point, Sammi goes to extreme lengths to prove Frank loves her.