"Berlitz commercial German Coast Guard"
This advert features a new member of the German Coast Guard on duty for the first time. His supervisor explains some basic instructions and then leaves the new guy to do his job. Soon after, a distress call comes in over the radio shouting, "We are sinking. We are sinking." The German man's English skills are poor, so with his German accent, he asks the man on the radio, "What are you sinking about?" (What are you thinking about?). We then learn that this is a commercial for learning English and other languages with Berlitz.
Voiceover, Dialog, Spoken Text, Script, or Lyrics
German Supervisor: This here is my sector. This here is the most important device of the Coast Guard. This device is the survival radar.
Radio: Mayday! Mayday! Hello, can you hear us? Can you hear us? Can you hear us? Hello. We are sinking. We are sinking.
German New Guy: Hello. This is German Coast Guard.
Radio: We are sinking. We are sinking.
German New Guy: What are you sinking about?
Written Text
Improve your English
Language for life