
"Bud Light | Lucky Chair | 2013 Super Bowl Commercial - Super Bowl XLVII" This Super Bowl 2013 commercial begins with two guys carrying a chair out of a house. They carry it down the road and load it on a street car / trolley. They make a stop at a corner store while one guy runs in to get a six pack of Bud Light while the other sits down in the chair. They put the beer in the chair and continue hauling it and rolling it down the street, across a railroad yard, through an industrial section of town, past some angry Doberman Pinscher guard dogs, and finally to a mysterious gate. They give the gatekeeper the six pack of Bud Light, and he lets them in. Inside is Stevie Wonder in a suit and top hat acting as a voodoo priest. It turns out the men have stolen their friend's "lucky chair" to have a curse put on it. Unfortunately Stevie doesn't do lucky chairs, but he has someone who can help. He snaps his finger and a woman appears. She sits down, snaps her fingers, and the deed is done. The men return the chair back to the house in time for the Super Bowl. The owner tells people to look out because he needs to sit in his lucky chair so he can help his team win. The two men who got the curse clink their bottles of Budweiser together as we hear on the TV how bad the man's team is now doing.

Voiceover, Dialog, Spoken Text, Script, or Lyrics

Ah, what do we have here? Hi, uh, do you do lucky chairs? Son, that's really not my thing. I'll do it. How much luck you guys need? Back up guys. That's my lucky chair. It was your lucky chair. Ha ha ha ha ha. Bud Light, for fans who do whatever it takes. Here we go.

Written Text

RTA 900 Bud Light Market Beer It's only weird if it doesn't work. #HereWeGo

Pop Culture Connections - Outgoing

It refers to these television commercials...

Budweiser Commercial for Bud Light

This Television Commercial is referred to by Budweiser Commercial for Bud Light
Teaser ad and full Super Bowl 2013 commercial.

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