"Tasting is Believing" This commercial shows people eating at Applebee's. They are skeptical about how something that is only 550 calories can taste good, but once they take a bit, their reactions are a bit odd. One guy shouts "I can dig it", but some guys jump up and start dancing to an old school hip-hop song by The Sugar Hill Gang.
Voiceover, Dialog, Spoken Text, Script, or Lyrics
Is it possible Applebee's new entrees are full of flavor and under 550 calories each? Ha, I'll believe it when I taste it. I believe it. I can dig it. Okay, a bit of an over-reaction, but... uh oh, what now? Ah, the old great-taste-under-550-calories flashmob hit. Yeesh! The new Zesty Roma Chicken and Shrimp and Roasted Garlic Sirloin. Under 550 calories starting at just $9.99. See you tomorrow, late night for half-price apps.
Written Text
Applebee's Unbelievably great tasting under 550 calories New Zesty Roma Chicken & Shrimp Roasted Garlic Sirloin Applebee's new under 550 calorie entrees starting at $9.99 See you tomorrow. 1/2 price apps late night