This commercial begins with Taylor Swift in a blue dress opening some doors with the Target logo on them. The ceiling has a Target-like logo with circles on it as well. Part of it is hanging down, so Taylor grabs it and jumps off the balcony while holding it. As the circle slowly peels off the ceiling revealing bright red, she slowly lowers to the floor below. At the bottom, she pulls on the walls revealing bright red silk and red walls. At the end, red, white, and blue ribbons fall from the ceiling too.
Voiceover, Dialog, Spoken Text, Script, or Lyrics
Get Taylor's new album with six exclusive songs. Only at Target. (Lyrics) Losing him was blue like I'd never known Missing him was dark grey all alone Forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you've never met But loving him was red Yeah yeah Burnin' red
Written Text
Red - Taylor Swift More tracks. More Taylor. Target - Expect More. Pay Less.