"Working Together with Skype" This commercial shows a bunch of young kids in a school classroom. A little girl passes a note in class, and it is passed hand by hand back to a little boy. He looks a bit surprised when he reads it and can't believe that she sent it to him. He writes something on it, and passes it back up the row. The little girl opens it and gets a huge smile on her face. Obviously the note was something related to being boyfriend and girlfriend, and it all worked out.
Voiceover, Dialog, Spoken Text, Script, or Lyrics
Long before email threads, we turned to each other. When the spirit of collaboration meant more than an "FYI" or "reply all". When messages were passed along by simple gestures, and validated by an honest expression. And while technology has put the world at our fingertips, it's up to us to use it the way we were meant to - person to person, face to face. To celebrate the moments we accomplish together. It's time to talk human again. It's time for Skype.
Written Text
Instant Messaging Video Calling It's time for Skype skype