KFC | Dance Is The Hidden Language Of Hunger | Chicken & Waffles
You’ve never seen two people dance until you’ve seen one person dance with a giant syrup bottle that is shaped like a person. It’s better than seeing two people dance because you can’t eat dance moves. But you can pour Mrs Butterworth syrup on KFC’s new Chicken and Waffles and eat that. And you should, because it is absolutely delicious.
Voiceover, Dialog, Spoken Text, Script, or Lyrics
The most delicious union of all time. New Kentucky Fried Chicken and Waffles. For a limited time at KFC.
(Lyrics) Now I've had the time of my life
No I never felt this way before
(Never felt this way)
Yes I swear, it's the truth
And I owe it all to you
I've had the time of my life
No I never felt this way before
(Never felt this way)
Yes I swear
Written Text
Mrs. Butterworth's Original
Kentucky Fried Chicken & Waffles