Seafood with Standards
We follow along with some ships/boats who do crabbing and lobster fishing for Red Lobster.
Voiceover, Dialog, Spoken Text, Script, or Lyrics
The hard way. Setting out before dawn in temperatures that even your thermometer's scared of. The hard way. Catching them, and throwing some back even when some is all you have. Following the rules of the ocean while writing even tougher ones. The hard way. It means making sure every piece of seafood we serve is sourced responsibly, and that when we say our seafood is traceable, it's not just a word on our menu, but a commitment to the places we call home and the people we call family. Sure, the easy way would be so much... easier, but for us that hasn't been an option for 50 years. To those who do it the hard way, Thank you.
Written Text
Red Lobster - Fresh Fish, Live Lobster
Traceable. Sustainable. Responsible.