
Ice Cube and Charlie Day star as high school teachers prepared to solve their differences the hard way in the comedy "Fist Fight," directed by Richie Keen ("It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia") - in theaters February 17! "Fist Fight - Official Trailer [HD]"

Voiceover, Dialog, Spoken Text, Script, or Lyrics

I'm gonna fight you. I'm sorry, what? Parking lot. After school. It's on. Teachers don't fight! I want everybody to see this. Hashtag teacher fight #TeacherFight? Who else knows about this? I don't need to be liked. I need to educate. I just don't know the first thing about fighting. Make a fist. Are you serious? Is this the 1700s? Campbell? Maybe the best thing to do is just run. I never said nothing about no running! Who is you, Seabiscuit? Flex. I am flexing. There's nothing there. Why don't you just take a punch and then just go down? Play dead like possums do, or anything that's like a pussy animal. Campbell! 911, what's your emergency? There's a crazy guy at my high school , he's trying to beat me up. If you have a problem with a bully, I need you to speak to a teacher. I am a teacher. You're a grown man. Now go on and take that ass-whoopin'. (Lyrics) O Fortuna Velut luna Statu variabilis Semper crescis Aut decrescis Vita detestabilis

Written Text

Ali Vs Frazier 2Pac vs Biggie Batman VS Superman On February 17 Get Ready For The Biggest Fight In Movie History Fist Fight Ice Cube Charlie Day Tracy Morgan Jillian Bell Christina Hendricks Kumail Nanjiani February 2017 #FistFight

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performed by Carl Orff
