This Television Commercial plays Lady Labyrinth performed by Ludovico Einaudi
"The Value of Zero" This commercial begins with someone writing the number 0 (zero) on a chalkboard. We are then shown a montage of zeros and things shaped like zeros or O's such as: A zero on a chalk board, 0's printed on several things including a burlap sack, a tire swing, building blocks, embossed credit card numbers, the knot on a tree, the zero on a ten-sided die, a license plate, a bicycle wheel, a manhole cover, a recycling container, the entrance to a bridge, the track of a tank (or other heavy machinery), a funnel with oil being poured into it, a 10 dollar bill, a merry-go-round (from above), a round tree, the recycling symbol, the "O" in a bowl of Spaghetti-O's, a gas stove burner lighting up with blue flame, a round gummy candy, a sliced orange/lemon, a bagel with cream cheese, a slice of ham, a sliced kiwi, an old cup, a drainage pipe, a tailpipe, an avocado, a girl using a hula hoop, a coiled garden hose being turned on, a huge hole/cavern in the middle of the jungle, the large round eye of a frog/lizard, a perfectly round atoll island, a rounded out hold in an iceberg, a Broadway style 0 lit up with light bulbs, gas price numbers, a bird egg, a sunflower, a tiny round cloud, a jelly fish, a solar eclipse, a neon sign, the setting sun, the eye of a hurricane as seen from space, a cat getting into its bed, a fluffy dandelion, the top of a bald man's head, CAT scans of the brain, oxygen on the periodic table of elements, a street light, the bubble in a level, a button, a human eye, and a pregnant woman's stomach. We then watch a gas pump gauge start flowing backwards to 000.0 gallons and instead see the uniquely shaped plug used to charge the Nissan Leaf. We see a blue LEAF sitting in someone's garage with the plug mounted on the wall that looks sort of like a gas pump. What is the value of zero (0)? Is it nothing? Imagine zero dependency on foreign oil. Zero pollutants in our environment. Zero depletion of the ozone. Suddenly zero starts adding up. Which is why we at Nissan built a car inspired by zero. Because zero is worth more than nothing. Zero is worth everything. The zero gas, 100% electric Nissan Leaf. Innovation for the planet. Innovation for all. 0 O 0:00 0.00 Zero, Oh, Zeros, Ohs 102, 7040, 7401, 10, 58, 59, 00 Water Aluminum Cans, Glass Bottles Japan Oxygen Gallons - accurate delivery at any legal flow and pressure Nissan - The 100% electric Nissan LEAF Shift the way you move