This Movie refers to You Rascal You written by Sam Theard
The Betty Boop cartoon's title was taken from this song which includes the lyrics, "I'll Be Glad When You're Dead, You Rascal You"
I'll Be Glad When You're Dead You Rascal You is a 1932 American Pre-Code Fleischer Studios animated short film starring Betty Boop, and featuring Koko the Clown and Bimbo. The cartoon features music by and a special guest appearance from jazz trumpeter Louis Armstrong and his Orchestra playing "You Rascal You". The title of the film comes from the song, written by Sam Theard in 1931. The film is now in the public domain. After a live action introduction featuring Louis Armstrong and his orchestra, the short opens in the jungle, with Betty being carried on a litter by Bimbo and Koko. A horde of African savages descends on the trio, and runs off with Betty. Koko and Bimbo try to find the missing Betty, but end up in the cannibals' cooking pot. They climb a tree and escape, but are pursued by the enormous disembodied head of a savage (with the voice of Louis Armstrong). Koko and Bimbo eventually find Betty tied to a stake, surrounded by dancing natives. Koko and Bimbo help Betty escape by firing porcupine quills at the savages. The trio races off, hotly pursued by spear-tossing natives. The three finally reach safety after crossing a mountain, the erupting peak of which flings the savages into space. --- Ooo, boop boopie doopie Oh, Bimbo, Koko, save me! This way. Oh, wait'll I get those babies. I tell you, I'll break 'em in two. Wait'll you see. I'll take 'em this way and that way. I'll make a hash and a baloney out of em. I'll make it so hot for them. I'll be glad when you're dead, you rascal, you! Oh, you rascal, you! Boy, I brought you into my home; You wouldn't leave my wife alone; I'll be glad when you're dead, you rascal, you. Now, I'll be glad when you're dead, you rascal, you! I'll be tickled to death when you leave this earth, you dog! Hmmm, I took you for my friend, The way you bit me in the back was a sin; You ain't no good, you rascal, you! As I said before, I'll be glad when you're dead, you rascal, you! Hmm, yea-ee-yea, you rascal, you! Boy, when you're laying six feet deep, No more fried chicken will you eat; Aw, you dog, I know that'll break your heart, ha, ha, ha, ha! Won't this ever stop? Boy! Boy, what is it that you've got That makes my wife think you're hot? Oh, you dog, you ain't no good. Naw! You bought my wife a bottle of Coca Cola, So you could play on her victrola; Ha, you dog! Yes, sir! No. I'll be glad when you're dead - I'll be glad when you're dead, you rascal, you...oowehh. --- U.M.&M. TV Corp. presents Betty Boop cartoon Max Fleischer presents I'll Be Glad When You're Dead You Rascal You Copyright MXMXXXI by Paramount Corporation All Rights Reserved Directed by Dave Fleischer Animated by Willard Bowsky and Ralph Somerville Recorded by Louis Armstrong and Orchestra Featuring Betty Boop assisted by Bimbo and Koko One Way Speedometer Miles Ashes The End A UM&M TV Corp. Presentation