- Date: October 4, 2005
- Type: Television Episode
This Television Episode plays Tuesday's Gone performed by Lynyrd Skynyrd
This song plays at the end of the episode when Randy tells Earl that it's not his fault that he missed his second chance at a touchdown (he fixed the game himself this time in order to win enough money to get Earl's car out of impound), Earl pays back Rosie back the money they owed, Kenny is rescued from the trunk of the car with a new friend, and Joy gets what she deserves.
While Earl and Randy were in high school, Earl fixes their school football game to win a bet with a store owner, but realizes that he forced Randy to give up a touchdown that he would've gotten. Earl sends Randy back to high school to get his touchdown back, but finds out that Joy had his car impounded since he refused to give her any of his lotto money. Earl and Randy go to the impound yard to get the car back, but Earl has to pay $3000 for unpayed parking tickets. Meanwhile, during Randy's game, Earl and Catalina were there to give him support, and Randy almosts gets a touchdown, but fumbles the ball, which costs his team the game. Earl finds out that Joy got the $3000 to get his lotto money, but Randy drives up with his car and his money, and Randy told him that he fumbled the ball on purpose to win a bet for $3000.