- Dates: February 2012 - May 2012
- Type: Television Commercial
This commercial shows the history of football. It starts out in black and white with a man (with no pads or helmet) catching a kickoff in the end zone. Instead of being marked with the typical 0, 10, 20, etc field markers, the field is marked with decades (1900, 1910, 1920, etc) showing how football has progressed through the ages. As the man runs forward, his uniform, equipment, and padding change with the "times" he is passing on the field. Soon he has a colored uniform and a leather helmet. Next he's wearing plastic helmet (with no face mask/bars). Soon they have a single bar facemask, and then a double bar which is when they add the rule that you can't grab a face mask to tackle someone. We see a quick, angry shot of the famous Vince Lombardi throwing a piece of rolled up paper in anger after a bad call, then back to the punt returner. The uniforms and padding begin to look more familiar as we are shown an image of Tom Landry in a blue suit rooting for his runner. At the end we see Chicago's head coach Lovie Smith as the runner makes it to the 2010 yard line (yes the field is too long). Didn't look like much. A bunch of guys running around in a pile of mud. So they strapped on leather and introduced a few rules just to keep the peace. Suddenly we have a game on our hands. So we added more rules and better equipment like hard plastic helmets, then the face mask - followed up quickly with "nah man, you can't grab that". Once we got rollin', we never looked back. We sure have come a long way. Thing is, we're just getting started. Here's to making the next century safer and more exciting than ever. Forever forward. Forever football. (Lyrics) Mmmmm (Mmmmm) Ohh (Ohh) Yeah (Yeah) Baby, one more time Hey mama, don't you treat me wrong Come and love your daddy all night long All right now Canton, Ohio 1906 1900, 1910, 1920, 1030, 1940, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000 Primetime Hester (23, Chicago Bears), Gray (23, Lions) nfl.com/evolution NFL evolution, NFL timeline, NFL history Touchdown