- Dates: February 2017 - May 2017
- Type: Television Commercial
At Expedia, we believe travel has the power to change the world, one person at a time. It's why we exist and why we are committed to getting more people traveling. Because when we travel, we make the world a better place. "Expedia | Train" It's an important question you ask. But one, I think, with a simple answer. We have this need, you and I, from the time we are little, to peek over our neighbor's fence. And once we do, we see there's wonder waiting on the other side. Every step you take brings the world one step closer. You'll narrow the influence of narrow minds. You'll bridge continents. Puncture prejudice. And keep peace. You may not always know it at the time, but one day you will look back and see that you've made this world a better place. So, the question you asked me, what is the key? It's you. Trans-Siberian Railway Travel the World Better Expedia