
Hellzapoppin is a musical revue written by the comedy team of Olsen and Johnson, consisting of John "Ole" Olsen and Harold "Chic" Johnson, with music and lyrics by Sammy Fain and Charles Tobias. The revue was a hit, running for over three years, and was at the time the longest-running Broadway musical, with 1,404 performances, making it one of only three plays to run more than 500 performances in the 1930s.

Pop Culture Connections - Incoming

It is the basis of these movies...


This Movie is based on Hellzapoppin composed by Harold "Chic" Johnson and John "Ole" Olsen; writte
  • Buy Hellzapoppin' on Amazon
  • Buy Hellzapoppin' on iTunes
  • Buy Hellzapoppin' on GooglePlay

Other Connections and Related Pop Culture

Are You Havin' Any Fun?
composed by Sammy Fain; written by

Everybody's Welcome
composed by Sammy Fain; written by and

