

  • Date:
  • Type: Movie
  • Genre: Comedy
  • Buy Big on Amazon
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Pop Culture Connections - Outgoing

Pop Culture Connections - Incoming

It is referred to by these television episodes...

Bob's Burgers:
Season:  3  / Episode:  3 
Bob Fires the Kids

This Television Episode refers to Big
Mickey tries to dig a tunnel from Bob's basement to the bank across the street. He hides the hole in the basement wall with a poster from the film, 'Big'.

Orange is the New Black:
Season:  4  / Episode:  10 
Bunny, Skull, Bunny, Skull

This Television Episode refers to Big
After Taystee suggests 'The Wiz' for movie night, Caputo talks about Diana Ross playing a 12 year old, thinking it's weird. Taystee says that Tom Hanks played a 12 year old boy in 'Big', but Caputo tells her that it was all part of the premise of that movie.

Family Guy:
Season:  1  / Episode:  1 
Death Has a Shadow

This Television Episode refers to Big
Peter recognizes Tom Hanks in Philadelphia because he was also in Big

Family Guy:
Season:  14  / Episode:  2 
Papa Has a Rollin' Son

This Television Episode refers to Big
During the montage of Stewie hanging out with his new best friend, Tom Cruise, the two stop on the boardwalk at the Zoltar fortune telling machine. After Tom Cruise makes his wish, he receives a card reading "Your Wish Is Granted". This is a reference to the 1988 film 'Big'.

New Girl:
Season:  2  / Episode:  16 
Table 34

This Television Episode refers to Big
Winston tells Schmidt that he looks like the fortune teller from Big when he sees Schmidt's outfit for the dating convention.

The Office:
Season:  6  / Episode:  25 
The Chump

This Television Episode refers to Big
Jim, Pam, and Andy are discussing Michael, and Jim asks if it is possible that Michael matured overnight. Andy says it happened in Big.

The Office:
Season:  2  / Episode:  12 
The Injury

This Television Episode refers to Big
After burning his foot on his George Foreman Grill, Michael calls a meeting to talk about people with disabilities. He has several pictures on the wall of examples of people with disabilities. He points to a picture from the movie 'Big', but mistakenly says it's the movie Philadelphia. Kevin informs Michael of his mistake. Michael responds that his point is still valid. Tom Hanks, in the movie, turns into a man overnight, making it a rare disability.

Family Guy:
Season:  2  / Episode:  19 
The Story on Page One

This Television Episode refers to Big
Stewie wished to become big is a reference to the film Big.

It is referred to by these television commercials...

Amazon Fire TV Commercial

This Television Commercial refers to Big

Other Connections and Related Pop Culture



Season:  7  / Episode:  1 




Breaking Bad:
Season:  4  / Episode:  9 

performed by Emma Louise

performed by Pearl Jam

The Boogie
performed by Outasight

  • Date:
  • Type: Song
