- Date: April 14, 2006
- Type: Movie
The Wild is a 2006 American computer animated adventure comedy film directed by animator Steve "Spaz" Williams, written by Ed Decter, John J. Strauss, Mark Gibson and Philip Halprin, features the voices of Kiefer Sutherland, Jim Belushi, Janeane Garofalo, Greg Cipes, Eddie Izzard, Richard Kind, William Shatner and Patrick Warburton and produced by Clint Goldman, Will Vinton and Beau Flynn. The film was a C.O.R.E. Feature Animation and Walt Disney Pictures production, and it was distributed by Buena Vista Pictures. It was released to theaters on April 14, 2006 in North America by Buena Vista Pictures. The film received generally negative reviews from critics and it earned $102,338,515 on a $80 million budget.